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Social Media Campaign

1)Client - Make My Trip
Target audience - travel loving people

Make My Trip is a popular Indian online travel company that offers a variety of travel. What make My Trip special that they take care of their family and to show that there customers also very excited to join the trip with Make My Trip.

2)Client - Help Organization
Target audience - youth

Youth empowerment is all about equipping young people with the skills, resources, and confidence they need to thrive. It's about fostering their potential to become active participants in shaping their own lives, their communities, and the world around them. With the help of mike, pen, torch.

3)client - Addiction
Target audience - Genzy's & millennial's

Addiction is perfume brand that gives you a addictive fragrance. if you use addictive then you can't have any other addiction. This is a strong addiction.

  • Instagram
  • Behance

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